"Puppies with a future - from dogs with a past!" |
About O'BJ, Bill and Barbara "BJ" Andrews
Meet Barbara "BJ" Andrews, AKC Hall of Fame Breeder and developer of the Register Of Merit (ROM) System used by many National AKC Breed clubs.
Sharing our background isn't about ego (I've been told I have more than enough of that). It's about how important quality is to you. If you're willing to put up with this non-conventional website, that's a good indication you are determined to do it right whether you're thinking about a Toy Fox Terrier as a family pet or a show dog. Thanks to the internet, we no longer need to spend hours trying to figure each other out. You can click out right now or learn what makes a healthy, intellectually and physically superior Toy Fox Terrier.
NOTE: I've just had a family cancel so I have a male puppy ready to go mid-September 2022. You can see him here but I hope you will explore this site and learn what created him before you call or email me.
Bill and Barbara "BJ" Andrews married in 1956, had three gifted children, performance horses, and Dobermans (Damasyn and Arthal bloodlines). In 1966 they became Charter Members of the American Rottweiler Club and BJ owner handled their foundation bitch to an AKC championship achieved with three 5-point majors. By 1968, Ch. Asgard Anna vom Kongslien, CD had become the #1 Dam as a result of BJ's intensive genetics research. Obviously there was no internet so she kept Rottweiler progeny records on 3x5 index cards.
She introduced the official Register Of Merit system in the Rottweiler Handbooks, published in late 1968. BJ's Register Of Merit (ROM) and ROMP (producer of Register Of Merit progeny) system is today used by numerous national/parent breed clubs.
BJ owner-handled Sachmo to top AKC breed and Group rankings for four consecutive years.
Although he was never at public stud, Sachmo became the top sire of All Working Breeds. He held that title for nearly 40 years until the fabulous Siberian "Cinnar" finally bumped him to 2nd place.
Their two foundation bitches (Ch. Ko-Go and Ch. Hatter) are still tied as #1 Akita dam of all Time.
Barbara "BJ" Andrews holds most of the All-Time Records in the extremely competitive Akita breed. Akitas O'BJ is the foundation bloodline for top breeders in North and South America, Europe and Australia. Bill and BJ are pictured with one of their Champion Akita females and a Chinese Foo Dog, another new breed they pioneered in America.
The Andrews fell in love with Bull Terriers in 1980 and subsequently imported a total of 13 dogs from the U.K., among them, America's first English Champion Miniature Bull Terrier. The following year they imported the first Junior Warrant Winner. Barbara "BJ" Andrews founded the national MBTCA and as President, attained AKC recognition and Breed Status for the Mini-Bull.
Having authored the first book on the Akita breed, the massive World Of The Akita published by TFH and subsequently the Miniature Bull Terrier. It too was a landmark book and so, writing exclusivly for the world's largest publisher of animal books, Mrs. Andrews authored a total of 8 top-selling breed books.
In the meantime, she and husband Bill set all-time AKC records in three breeds. Akitas O'BJ are still known world-wide for powerful breed type and correct temperament. Four of the nation's top winning Mini-Bulls represent O'BJ genetics. The Andrews have always insisted on "brains before beauty" and in Toy Fox Terriers they achieved the perfect combination!
Toy Fox Terriers fit them like a glove. The O'BJ breeding formula, renowned for a consistently high percentage of champions-per-litter, was applied to a very "small" Toy Fox Terrier breeding program. As always, Bill and BJ owner-handled their dogs, setting new show ring records. Then, having served as officer or committee chair for six National AKC Breed Clubs, Barbara agreed to serve one term as VP for struggling new American Toy Fox Terrier Club.
Bill Andrews was taken by cancer in 2005 but not before his wisdom and judgement had formulated the O'BJ breeding program.
BJ says "Toy Fox Terriers O'BJ will never be known world-wide like our Akitas but I feel like Bill and I gave back nearly as much as the dogs have given to us." 20021521612 https://www.toyfoxterriersobj.com/About-Breeder/OBJ-Andrews-Breeder.asp