(scroll to end to see Jane daughter, available Dec. 2012 to a really loving family)
One of our very best breedings was my beloved Jane bred to
O'BJ High Flying Phoenix, known as "UFO" Click his name to see him as a
gangly puppy. UFO was a handsome dog but it was Jane's incredible mind
that dominated their litter of three extraordinary puppies.
Getta Garbo O'BJ started her show career at barely 6 months old, untrained, totally unexposed to the big world out there.
When we first went in
the show building, her eyes were big as saucers and she was trembling. But when I put my itty bitty puppy down on the floor and said "C'mon Garbo, let's
go!" she cranked her tail and strutted beside me like she knew what
she was doing! An hour later, when she stood before the judge, eyes sparkling, butt
wagging, showing off her perfect front, perfect rear, perfect picture... he
laughed and gave her the win.
The rest is history, literally. Garbo
became the top winning puppy in breed history and the youngest Toy Fox Terrier
Champion. Never defeated, even though females rarely beat the boys,
Garbo bested the best AKC champions, including nationally ranked male dogs.
is like her mother Jane. At 5.5
pounds, she's packed with bone, substance and breed type! Also like
her mom, she delivers her puppies easily despite her small size. Garbo is a little fit-in-a-handbag dog to take to the beauty shop or as my
husband said, "perfect for a man who is man enough to own such a tiny little
girl, Ch. Getta Blaze O'BJ, had to wait her turn to be shown. There was no way she could
beat Garbo but when given her chance, Getta Blaze finished in a flash, earning her
AKC championship with wins over some of the country's top Specials at the Regional
Her show photos are like Garbo's
(packed away) but here's something better. She's 6 years old, very pregnant but moving effortlessly. She made Bill's last days easier, laying
with him for hours in his home hospital bed. When Blaze came in season, Bill
asked why I hadn't bred her? We were still pretending so I smoothly
replied that she wasn't ready. When she had completed her most important
job, I sold her to a man who had her son, insuring Blaze had another guy who
adored her.
Garbo and Blaze have done their mother Jane very proud, passing her wonderful
brains and personality on, even to the great-grandkids!
is Blaze's son Undaunted O'BJ (by
Lucky Dog). Dante is co-owned with Lisa Herman, a
professional agility
trainer. Lisa was blown away by his powerful reach as he trotted across the
paddock and sure enough. I had wrestled with what to do as I feared he would be too large for the show ring
but Lisa and her husband saved the day. Dante matured within standard and his ground-covering reach and drive
have made him a top Agility contender with Lisa.
I took a chance and bred Garbo to Hugely and although
the two pups were super-sound and oh so typey, both matured bigger than I
prefer. Cowboy Star has a wonderful home with other TFTs but I kept Cinema
Star who produced Franklin Mint. He too was stunning but pushing size so
at 9 months, I let him go to a family who's son is a genuine brainiac! A
perfect pair they are.
I bought a very small male from a great line but then Cinema Star (shown as a
puppy on the right) did not get pregnant so I've decided to let her go as a
companion while she's still a youngster.
Born November 2009, she seems to have decided to be
someone's "under the covers" dog so if you are interested in a very special
Garbo daughter give me a call because Cinema Star is sold.
Well, I've enjoyed getting this page
together for you. I miss Garbo and her mom every day. Bill
hated to show but he finished Blaze himself
and she loved every minute of it. Cinema will be the end of that bitch line for
me but It is time to move on.
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Reach Barbara Andrews at (828) 286-9945 (12 to 7 PM EST) or send an email to BJ,
located in the Foothills of North Carolina. Click To Share This Page.
Copyright © O'BJ 2002 - All rights reserved. Except for brief reference quotations with source provided, no portions thereof may be stored or reprinted in any form, electronic or otherwise, without prior express
written consent of
Barbara "BJ" Andrews, SAAB Member.