home ofToy Fox Terriers O'BJ

"Puppies with a future - from dogs with a past!"


Glimmer To Go O'BJ

Toy Fox Terrier O'BJ Foundation


Glimmer was my "keeper puppy" from the litter by Lucky Dog O'BJ and Ch. Fannie Mae O'BJ.


Glimmer To Go, a top Toy Fox Terrier damThe litter was everything we hoped for and she was my first choice by the time they were eating solid food.  When I began to sort them, she stood out, had a special shine about her.  She still does...


She was born May 2011 and we had been especially excited about what Lucky Dog (who is a full littermate to Lolli) could produce with Fannie Mae.


This photo of Glimmer was taken in 2013 when we were trying to get photos of her babies out in the grass.


I love this candid shot of Glimmer.  She's just sitting there watching Denise with the camera, wondering what we're doing with her puppies but trusting...  More like her sire, she is so innately a "good dog" and a sweet soul, she accepts whatever...


She's a little "well fed" as we were also feeding her puppies at the time, and all the mother dogs love that!


Toy Fox Terrier male, Lucky Dog O'BJHer sire Lucky is shown at left, just a candid in-the-yard shot but he has his own page, well, he shares it with sister Lolli.


Click to enlarge his photo, then click your back button to return to the page.  He's getting on in years in this photo on the right but his short back, sturdy body and loving ways never changed.  We called him "Uncle dog" because he took care of all the babies, taught them things... like the wolf pack uncle. 


Glimmer's mother (left), Champion Fannie Mae O'BJ doing one of the things she did best.  She loved to dance and show off.  There's another picture below that I found of her.  She invented a game that wasn't funny at first.  She grabbed Hal by the pant leg and when he yelled at her, she came right back at him.


They both realized it was sort'a fun, she really didn't mean to bite him (yeah, right...) but he was a big man and a stranger and... Anyway, she loved to play monster with Hal.  Wait, I'll go find a photo of her and Hal...  Click on the little white thing in front of him and you can see Fannie.


OK, this page will take forever to open if I put the photos full size so I'll just drop some random shots in here and you can click to open them.


This is Glimmer with Champion Sally Jo who is only 5.5 pounds.  I haven't weighed Glimmer lately but she weighs a little over 6 pounds and is solid and sleek.


Here is Glimmer with her last litter.  She is a free whelping, attentive dam.  Must be "mothering" genes from Lucky Dog because Lolli is the same way.


I couldn't resist and kept the little girl with the perfect heart on her shoulder.  And that's her name, it was a "P" litter so she's Purple Heart O'BJ.  She's shown at right at 9 weeks.


CH. FANNIE MAE, A BIG WINNING TOY FOX TERRIER!I just found this picture of Glimmer's mother Fannie Mae.  We always had professional "show photos" made and when we had to stop showing, I never learned how to do good pictures.


Well, that's it for now.  Cross your fingers for another great bunch of babies from Glimmer.  I sure am!  "The line" of overall quality, health, and superior intelligence is what makes a bloodline.  Those qualities all come natural to the Toy Fox Terrier but some dogs have extra!

1806 https://www.toyfoxterriersobj.com/GeneBank/Glimmer.asp


Click for Litter sired by U-Gene O'BJ or Click for price and policy information



Reach Barbara Andrews at (828) 286-9945 (12 to 7 PM EST) or send an email to BJ, located in the Foothills of North Carolina. Click To Share This Page.


Copyright © O'BJ 2002 - All rights reserved.  Except for brief reference quotations with source provided, no portions thereof may be stored or reprinted in any form, electronic or otherwise, without prior express written consent of Barbara "BJ" Andrews, SAAB Member.