home ofToy Fox Terriers O'BJ

"Puppies with a future - from dogs with a past!"




Heart Of Gold, Sweet Heart, Brave Heart, you name it, she is my heart-dog because she's everything the Toy Fox Terrier can and should be.


Heart is my lapdog and a Ch. Hugely granddaughter (open the O'BJ Gene Bank menu bar above to see everyone).



Heart earned her name when she jumped off the deck and landed with her front leg in a concrete block left by the construction crew. She "bravely" wore a cast with no complaint, clumping through the house like a soldier...  Thus her name.


Having had big Working Breeds all my life, that broken leg scared me. Toy Breed dogs can have "brittle bone syndrome" but it is a genetic factor brought on by thoughtless breeders.


With the help of my dear friend Rick Beauchamp, a famous AKC dog show judge, I was able to buy an outstanding male from California to set a foundation of strong bones in this new TOY breed. For the record, my dogs have dense solid bones and I've never had another broken bone. Click or reverse-pinch the photos in "blue" to enlarge.


Heart's mother is Glimmer To Go O'BJ, my "keeper puppy" from Ch. Fannie Mae O'BJ. She's proudly watching her puppies we took out in the yard to soak up sunshine and get their 8-week photos taken on the grass.


Heart's sire is Barbary Johnny Cash O'BJ, an exceptionally sound and perfectly constructed male from my good friend Denise Monette in California.


Johnny was incredibly sound, 5.25 pounds of solid muscle, a size reducer who generously passed on his "up on leg" and perfect balance. I miss him to this day...


Toy Fox Terrier male - Johnny at just over 5 pounds.Small though he was, Johnny had dense solid bone which he passed to his progeny along with his short-coupled, strong topline and of course, the Toy Fox Terrier personality.


To learn more about Heart's sire and dam, click the O'BJ Gene Bank in the navigation at top of this page.


Here is Heart learning to "pose" as a puppy. Her distinctive marking and her brave way of having handled that cast says it all.


She was brave ("showing off" on the table at 9 weeks) and since it was a "P" litter, when it came time to AKC register her, well, of course I named her Purple Heart O'BJ.


Heart always passes on her strong bone, soundness and exceptional breed type but most of all, her unique personality becomes evident as her puppies mature.


This head study taken at 27 months shows Heart's perfect profile, strong muzzle and deep terrier jaw with strong teeth and perfect "bite", i.e. occlusion.


The photo on your right is at an awkward angle but shows her perfect BIG ears and high-on-head earset.


And yes, she passes that beautiful head and large dark eyes on to her puppies.


I am counting on Heart's current litter by Dudley Do Right O'BJ (her outcross grandson) to set both her both her beautiful breed type and her character.


Heart rivals Sucha as the most intelligent, quick learner I have.  Her round-bed is under my desk and she's my TV/lap dog every night.  She's never been "trained" because she obeys my every thought!


See Heart's last litter, born May 28th, 2022.

195213226 https://www.toyfoxterriersobj.com/GeneBank/Purple-Heart-OBJ.asp


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Reach Barbara Andrews at (828) 286-9945 (12 to 7 PM EST) or send an email to BJ, located in the Foothills of North Carolina. Click To Share This Page.


Copyright © O'BJ 2002 - All rights reserved.  Except for brief reference quotations with source provided, no portions thereof may be stored or reprinted in any form, electronic or otherwise, without prior express written consent of Barbara "BJ" Andrews, SAAB Member.